Review Of The Book Where The Red Fern Grows By Wilson Rawls

Wilson Rawls wrote the 1961 children's novel Where the Red Fern Grew, an autobiographical fictional story. The story follows a boy, his two Redbone Coonhounds that he trains and saves for. The book is set in rural Oklahoma during the 1920s. Our main character was born there. Billy Colman is the main character, along with his dogs Old Dan & Little Ann. Billy Colman, his faithful hounds, and...

How Nature Plays A Pivotal Role In Mending Wall And Fire And Ice By Robert Frost

Robert Frost's song "Mending Wall", about barriers, explains why we all need them. A barrier is necessary to protect people from harm. Robert Frost's "Fire and Ice" is another great poem. The two sides of the argument about how the world could end are discussed. It's either going be full flames with everyone on fire, or freezing. The theme behind "Mending Wall" was that nature can be powerful....

Analysis Of The Title In Their Eyes Were Watching God

Hurston has left part of her title in Their Eyes were Watching God by Zora N. Hurston open for interpretation. The novel has many characters that mention God. This pronoun is used in the title to refer to the people from Eatonville. It also includes African Americans, because both groups look up at Joe Starks (who is a higher authority) and God. The novel shows the town of Eatonville watching Joe...

Father-son Relationships In Those Winter Sundays By Robert Hayden

The experience of life changes people's perspectives as they age and mature. Reflecting on the past, and especially childhood memories can help people to better understand themselves or become better versions of themselves. Now a grown man, the boy reflects on his childhood apathy towards his father, and sees that as a form of unconditional love and appreciation. Parents do everything they can to...

Analysis Of The Novel “Iman Umeed Aur Mohabbat” Written By Umaira Ahmad

Introduction: I read Jannat key Patty after reading a novel that covered many genres. The novel was titled "Iman Umeed Aur Mohabbat", by well-known Pakistani poet Umaira. Iman Umeed Aur Mohabbat first appeared in Digest magazine, December 1999. Umaira ahmed is a renowned author who has written many famous novels. Her literary style is unique and makes her popular among females. Her most notable...

Revenge And Its Consequences In Hamlet

Sydney Bolt (1985): "Hamlet challenges traditional revenge tragedies, by deviating." The first performance of "Hamlet" in 1604 was attended by a typical Elizabethan theatregoer who had certain expectations. The conventions governing Elizabethan revenge plays were well-established. Originally based on Senacan's revenge play, which combined bloody treachery with moralising messages, Thomas Kyd...

Victor Iis The Moral Compass For Walton

Walton's relationship with Victor and the Frankenstein monster is subtly revealed beneath the surface plot of the novel. Three characters are closely related; they depend on each other. Walton represents a youthful thirst for knowledge in humans, while Victor is the moral guide that Walton can use to pursue his scientific goals. Robert Walton's appearances are limited to a couple of letters he...

A Prerogative To Creative Minds In Brave New World

Aldous Husxley's Brave New World revolves around the equation "civilization = sterilization". The "sterilized' mind would interpret this as meaning that cleanliness, or a lack of filth, is the mark of a civilized group. This is precisely what Lenina says in Brave New World after she observes the filthy Indian Reservation. Huxley was attempting to say something more than simply cleanliness. He...