Father-son Relationships In Those Winter Sundays By Robert Hayden

The experience of life changes people’s perspectives as they age and mature. Reflecting on the past, and especially childhood memories can help people to better understand themselves or become better versions of themselves. Now a grown man, the boy reflects on his childhood apathy towards his father, and sees that as a form of unconditional love and appreciation.

Parents do everything they can to keep their children happy. Sundays are more than the day when the father starts his work. Sunday is a day of worship for Christians. The father worked tirelessly to provide for his family, instead of resting and worshiping God on Sunday. Jesus Christ had a duty and obligation on Sunday to die for his “children” to save them. In the same way, fathers have their own duties, or “crosses” to hold. The father has to sacrifice his own rest and work in the hardest weathers just to give to his uncaring sons. In addition, the son’s first line in which he introduces his dad gives an indication of how he feels about him. It is evident that there is no affection between them by using “father” instead of “dad”, “daddy”, and “papa”. He may not even recognize his father for the caring father that he really is. He didn’t realize all that his father did for him. Even when he got up early on Sundays and worked hard or polished his shoes. The word “office” is not literal. The word “offices” suggests dedication to work or service. The word “offices”, in this context, is a representation of a father’s life that revolves around his son. The religious connotations are also tied to the scarfies that the father makes for the son. The father is doing everything possible to ensure that his son has all the needs he requires. The son doesn’t see all that the father does for him, and is only concerned with himself.

With age and wisdom, we may reflect on our past actions and attitudes toward parents and regret them. The father’s son, now an adult, is sorry about the treatment he had given to his father in the past. He was like a servant, making sure the house stayed warm and even polishing his son’s shoe. The son’s confessions are emphasized by the repeated “what did i learn, what did i learn” phrase. The son didn’t know everything that his father had done to help him. It was not necessary for the son to do anything half as hard as his father in order to fully understand his father. He could not understand his father’s love for him until he became a father.

Unfortunately, children often mistakenly interpret love from parents as “meanness”. It is difficult for children to understand and they become selfish. Parents want to ensure that their child stays safe and makes the right decisions, regardless of what the child thinks. Instead of thanking their parents for all they do, children take advantage of them.


  • stanleybyrne

    Stanley Byrne is a 26-year-old education blogger and teacher. He has degrees in education and political science from the University of Notre Dame and has worked in various teaching and research positions since he graduated in 2014. He is the author of a number of educational blog posts and has written for Huffington Post, The Guardian, and Salon.