Life Lessons In “Tuesdays With Morrie”

Tuesdays with Morrie tells the story of a college professor and a man. This story is about Mitch, a journalist and sports commentator who has made a career of it. He is so busy that it was difficult for him to have the time and love he deserves. He saw Morrie his favorite professor passing away from ALS. He started the last lesson of Morrie to Mitch about the purpose of life.

The film is true to life and I find it very inspirational to read or watch Tuesdays with Morrie. It teaches us all lessons about living our best life. One of his most important lessons is about the death. While it is sad, it is not something you should dwell on. This makes it clear that living a happy life is a must. A living funeral is also known as life celebration. This allows us to be happy in someone’s current life. Perhaps my family members or I would prefer to have a living burial when it comes time to say the good things about our lives. I looked forward to his suggestion that you should have a little bird sitting on your shoulder every day, asking “Is this my day of death, little bird?” to ensure that you don’t delay the things that are most important to you. It motivates me to make the most of my time and to complete what I have to do while I am still alive. This story helps us understand how the meaning and impact of life has on our lives.

After having seen the movie, it’s clear that this is good literature. The film teaches moral principles that we must all appreciate in order for us to enjoy life to the fullest. Because of the valuable lessons I learned, I’d love to recommend this movie to everyone. It taught me to love my community and myself, and to work hard to make a difference in the world. I am now a fan of the movie and would love to read the book.


  • stanleybyrne

    Stanley Byrne is a 26-year-old education blogger and teacher. He has degrees in education and political science from the University of Notre Dame and has worked in various teaching and research positions since he graduated in 2014. He is the author of a number of educational blog posts and has written for Huffington Post, The Guardian, and Salon.